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Talk: Zymurgy: Humankind's Oldest Biotechnology

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This event is going to be such a treat! Not only will you get a chance to nerd out and join a lively conversation about yeast, mold and deliciousness, you'll also be able to connect with Merle Bruno and a group of alums who share serious chemistry around microbiology and food. 

Fermentation is humankind's oldest biotechnology. Brewer Dick Cantwell 74F, cheese expert Lilith Spencer 08F, and sourdough baker Josey Baker 01F will share their experiences. Faculty Emerita of Biology Merle Bruno will moderate.

For 2020, it's BYO fermented treats.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Zoom - link will be provided to registrants
Karen Sullivan, Alumni & Family Relations
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 - 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

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