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EPEC Application DEADLINE: September 30

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The application to run an Experimental Program in Education and Community (EPEC) closes on September 30th and will be approved as soon as the EPEC Coordinator reviews your application. If the EPEC Coordinator has any questions, they will meet with you and approve your application in-meeting if approved.


Visit to see some EPECs that have been run in the past by students!

See for info about EPECS, or below. 



As a facilitator, you can be provided...

  • Support and resources around facilitating, teaching, and guiding groups
  • Intermittent check-ins throughout the semester with the EPEC Coordinator and/or fellow EPEC facilitators
    • discussing the challenges you're encountering, how to problem-solve, and move forward
    • and whatever else you're finding you may need support in!
  • A crash course/resources in curriculum design, alongside workshop design
  • An evaluation (if requested) from the EPEC Coordinator about your facilitation/teaching/program
  • Funding! Include whatever costs you anticipate in your application.
  • If you're a DIV III: You can facilitate an EPEC as an Advanced Learning Activity (ALA) if you register it as an independent study with your committee as a 300-level course.



As a facilitator, you can provide...

  • Workshops, projects, classes, or any other activities or learning experiences. You can help add another dimension to the learning experience of Hampshire College. EPEC is a vessel through which things that are recognized as important to education but are not initially evident in the Hampshire system can be realized: interactions between new and veteran students, student-initiated group work, nonscholarly professional skill development, and student projects reaching into the greater community.
  • Individualized education does not need to be and should not be isolating.  
  • Your EPEC may be on any topic as long as the activity does not violate the Risk Assessment Guidelines of Hampshire College. An EPEC is a student group with one coordinator, overseen by Campus Leadership & Activities.
  • Your EPEC can be structured like a class, intensive, workshop series, or anything else – the only criteria is that it is minimum 15 hours. EPEC also acts as a strong voice on campus to advocate for the institutional support of alternative educational models and the continued inclusion of independent work within Hampshire's curriculum. 
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 (All day)

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