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First Gen Lunch Workshop: Finding & Funding Your Internship!

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First Gen Students: Finding & Funding Your Internship!

Join us for a First Gen workshop on internships, which are short-term experiences that give you a chance to work in real-world situations and meet people in your field of interest. Learn about how internships fit into your life and how to make them affordable.

Internships are for everyone, regardless of previous experience!
In this workshop you will learn:

- What an internship is, and the many benefits of doing one or more.
- How to search for internships in your area of interest.
- How to create your own internship opportunity at an organization that you choose.
- How to find and apply for grant funding through Hampshire.
- Strategies for affording unpaid or low-paid internships.

This info session is sponsored by The First Network, First Gen @ Hampshire, and CORC.


CORC, Library, 3rd Floor
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - noon to 1:00 p.m.

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